Let me get one thing straight right now: I haven’t a clue what I’m doing here—not one. But please, before you leave, give me a few minutes to introduce myself. I’m Taylor, a lover of round-the-world exploration, overflowing old libraries, fine food and fashion, and…well…I’m a writer, I guess. Now, if you caught the two…
A Glamour Girl’s Time in NYC — Day 4
It’s my fourth day in NYC, and I can’t wait to spend it with YOU! If you’ve been following along in my series, then you’ve experienced a wealth of fabulous food and fashion through my first three days in the city. (Need to catch up? Read all about my first, second, and third days in…
A Glamour Girl’s Time in NYC — Day 3
Welcome to day three in NYC! I hope you’ve been enjoying my A Glamour Girl’s Time series—but, if you need to catch up on the excitement, you can find my first or second installment here. However, if you’re up-to-date on my adventures, then you’re probably anxious for more New York content, which is exactly what…
A Glamour Girl’s Time in NYC — Day 2
Bonjour, readers, and welcome back to my new series, A Glamour Girl’s Time in NYC. If you’re joining me after my first installment, then you’re probably anxious for some more New York content, rather than airport tales. That’s a good thing, because my first full day in NYC might have been the best of them…
A Glamour Girl’s Time in NYC — Day 1
Bonjour, Dear Readers! I am (perhaps regrettably) back from my long-awaited trip to New York and, with the aid of a week off of work thanks to an unexpected souvenir (aka a particularly persnickety strain of the flu) I’m finally ready to share my adventures with you on a larger scale than that allowed by…
A Glamour Girl’s Guide to NYC • Part 4.5
I think we’re all pretty tired of that platitude—you know the one—about the journey being better than the destination. But it tends to ring true when it comes to packing for a glamour-girl getaway such as my week in New York City. Nearly since I booked my plane tickets, I’ve been squirreling away special pieces…
A Glamour Girl’s Guide to NYC • Part 4
When I posted on my Instagram asking what I should cover next in my GGG to NYC series, an overwhelming majority of you wanted to take a peek inside my suitcase, and I was ecstatic. There’s nothing I love more than sharing some of my favorite cosmetic products and clothing pieces! In fact, I love…
A Glamour Girl’s Guide to NYC • Part Three
Welcome back! If you’ve been following along with my series, you’ve learned some of the basics for navigating the city as a first-timer as well as roughed out an ideal itinerary for your travels. But we have only just begun to discuss one of my favorite aspects of New York travel…can you guess what it…
A Glamour Girl’s Guide to NYC • Part Two
Whether you’re visiting New York or not, you probably have an idea of how you would spend your time there—which is why, today, we’re going to talk all about your ideal itinerary.
A Glamour Girl’s Guide to NYC • Part 1
To the uninitiated, New York City is overwhelming. But it’s also beautiful. Scintillating. Exciting. If you dream of taking in all that the city has to offer time, let me offer some advice…
The History of the Anne Samuel — Part Sept
The Anne Samuel is back from Paris and ready to take on New York City…but something secretive is afoot, and more covert operations are in store for the future. What could they be? Today’s installment in the Anne Samuel’s glorious and gilded history holds a clue. Get ready for another episode of epicurean excellence and…